An Introduction to Car Covers

2 min read

A cover is a multi-layered fibre sheet that protects the colourful paint from dirt and bad climate. Today the car covers are coming in different fashion because of the wide competition in various aspects. The manufacturers are in huge numbers which made it easy to shop a car cover just by saying the car model you can purchase. And it is customized to enquire and purchase in online itself. The car covers are shipped to your location in a phone call. Everyone expects the life time and guarantee to be ensured.

What pampers the paint work of a car?

It is majorly classified as bad weather and environment pollution. There are numerous factor influences the beautiful look of a car.

  • Dessert heat
  • Snow
  • Rain
  • Dirt and dust
  • Air humidity
  • Acid rain

The paint of any car is subjected to all four different seasons along with environment pollutions. Humidity in air forms the oxide and makes it futile. So again paint work has to be done which is a huge expense. So it is better to cover the foot than covering the entire world with carpet. So a car cover is to be purchased and most of the time it going to be a freebie.

car cover

How the car covers are rated?

A car cover is compared based on many factor as follows.

  • Size and cost
  • Number of composite layers
  • Soft and smooth exterior
  • Material
  • Weight and folded volume
  • Colour

All these factors ensure the weather proof, wind resistance, breathing capacity, reliability and durability, dust free and weightless. A good cover is representation of less maintenance. It has to ensure the perfect fit also.

You can either choose a fit cover or unfit cover depends on the size and price. Today there are 5 to 7 layers of composite covers are in market. Price may be little higher but worth having at the price. Soft and less weight cover makes it easy to handle and maintain.

A car cover is very much useful when you bring the car for resale. That is going to depreciate the value of the car. For an example if your car is having a bird dropping on the metal surface, that cannot be easily wiped out. When it is dried and you cannot scratch it out without losing the paint. So the cover price is as small as possible but protection is indeed important.

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