Finding the Right Motorbike Helmet

3 min read

Finding a fitting motorbike helmet is an essential step in owning and riding one. Motorcycle helmets and motorcycle helmets come with many features, but not all of those features are necessary for everyone. For example, some traditional motorbike helmets may come with moveable shields so they can be lifted up when not needed or dropped down when it rains.

However, this might give off the false impression that such a feature as removable shields serves an actual useful purpose to most motorcyclists. In actuality, only a small percentage of riders will ever fully utilize this feature on their helmet, and even then, it’s just as likely that they will find out that keeping the shield up during certain weather conditions is more bother than its worth. Regardless, this feature is included with nearly all off-the-shelf helmets because the manufacturer assumes that if you are purchasing a motorcycle helmet in general, then you are most likely riding your bike on a regular basis year-round, weather permitting.

motorbike helmets

Perhaps the greatest foe of any motorcyclist, when they are out riding their bike, is bad weather conditions. Rain, sleet, snow, and other harsh weather can have adverse effects on visibility which can easily lead to accidents. However, it should be noted that only 8% of fatal motorcycle crashes involve poor weather conditions, so motorcycles themselves are not inherently dangerous machines compared to, say, an automobile, where the number rises to 26%. Even though visibility is worse during inclement weather conditions with a traditional motorcycle helmet, it can still be managed to some degree. The rider’s speed, the use of his/her headlights, and even learning how to utilize their peripheral vision can all help minimize the negative effects on visibility.

However, this is not always enough for those who ride motorcycles year-round in all types of weather conditions. For them, there are motorcycle helmets designed with features that allow riders to protect themselves even further against harsh weather conditions, such as full-face helmets or modular helmets, which also offer greater protection than their open-faced counterparts. Modular helmets work by having an inner drop-down feature that protects the mouth area during very windy days, while full face helmets typically come with fans that keep fresh air flowing through so you don’t fog up the visor.

There are many different styles of motorcycle helmets, but it is usually best to focus on the general style required for your specific type of riding. For example, some motorcycles may require a full-face helmet, and others simply do not and only offer protection to the rider’s face by way of goggles (which some people feel isn’t enough). It should be noted that most states only allow the use of one lens goggles when riding a motorcycle due to safety concerns such as someone mistaking their reflection in an uncovered mirror as another vehicle coming towards them.

If you decide that additional features such as removable shields or built-in fans aren’t something you want, then there are still plenty of more simple options available, but they will come with a lower price tag. However, if you feel that these features are essential to your safety and riding experience, then it is best to go for a motorcycle helmet offering them as opposed to going the less expensive route.

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